‘Consumed’ - The Inequitable Trade

Aug 12, 2024

Consumed’ - The Inequitable Trade.

Consumption, it’s not only of physical resources but that of the people who we consume from.

I’ve made a conscious effort to support Black, Indigenous and POC since becoming aware that I wasn’t doing that.

As a white, cis-het, thin, able bodied, and educated woman, this is where my privilege lies.

I originally bought ‘Consumed’ by ajabarber (soft j) to help with my purchasing habits.

‘Consumed’ has not only strengthened what I learnt with @annie.gichuru in ‘Represented’ and added layer upon layer of complexity of racial inequity and injustice, it continues to solidify my understanding of my own privilege, the role it’s had in traditionally pillaged countries and the impact it continues to have.

There was a lot to unpack in this book.

My biggest takeaways were:

  • ‘The race to the bottom’, an inequitable system where worker safety is sacrificed for the benefit of those in power and privilege.
  • The power imbalance - the praise and opportunities people in power posses to advance due to circumstance, not hard work.
  • Consumption is a habit and habits can change.
  • Environmental impact and SO much more.

One step I’ve taken since reading ‘Consumed’ - I recently joined a ‘Pay it Forward’ group in my area and have passed on items to those in need to extend their life cycle and reduce their impact.

My privilege allows this.

Change is a process.

The smallest step in the right direction can be the catalyst for the largest change.

Once you know better, do better.


My own values.

‘Don’t lean into the unseen areas for safety. Step out of them in order to see the lives of others more clearly and to realise we are all connected’ - Aja Barber.

How we see others matters. We are all connected.
