How Sharing Stories And What You Believe In Empowers Others Aug 12, 2024

How Sharing Stories And What You Believe In Empowers Others

Last weekend I went to the @whatwereyouwearing_ No More: National Rally Against Violence - a rally for gendered violence against women.


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‘Consumed’ - The Inequitable Trade Aug 12, 2024

Consumed’ - The Inequitable Trade.

Consumption, it’s not only of physical resources but that of the people who we consume from.

I’ve made a conscious effort to support...

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Deciding which path to take May 31, 2024

Last week, I took different paths on my way home from the gym. Upon reflection, it struck me as a metaphor for coaching.

I began to consider how we choose our paths.

Coaching is like having a guide...

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The Be Seen Series - The Power of Empathy Apr 17, 2024

I first came across Julie Parker and Beautiful You Coaching Academy while reading POWER, A Woman’s Guide to Living and Leading without Apology by Kemi Nekpavil (brilliant read) in...

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Redefining Photoshoots: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment Mar 18, 2024

When most people think of photoshoots, they think of getting crazy lean, showing off their body and their physical prowess.

I'm here to propose a new way to look at it.

A way to be seen.

I worked...

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