Redefining Photoshoots: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment

Mar 18, 2024

When most people think of photoshoots, they think of getting crazy lean, showing off their body and their physical prowess.

I'm here to propose a new way to look at it.

A way to be seen.

I worked with a Caroline recently, and when discussing their potential goals, a photoshoot was brought up and was quickly shut down.  I asked her to reflect on this. We discovered there was a fear of failure and that they didn't like being the centre of attention and struggled to "be seen".

This was reflected in how Caroline saw herself as well - as a self confessed couch potato and chronic procrastinator.  This journey was about more than the photos: it was about how she showed up and saw herself.

We used the photoshoot to cultivate new patterns and behaviours: by the end she was running multiple times a week, lifting weights, deadlifting 100kg and getting stronger weekly and improving her relationship with food.

The reason why l'm sharing this is because the whole idea of "being seen" is something so fundamentally important to my coaching. Sometimes being seen is the struggle and this is why photo shoots are for everyone - they are transformative experience's for anyone who undergoes the challenge.

This is where having a coach is SO VALUABLE in helping overcome patterns of self sabotage, procrastination and not showing up as our best self.

This is how I help my clients - to step into themselves so they can be seen in whatever capacity that means for them.


"This whole experience has shown me that I'm more capable than I gave myself credit for. I've had a shift in my mindset in terms of my strength and endurance, and my relationship with food is much better than it was. Kristin has equipped me with the tools (physical and mental) to help me achieve whatever goal I aim for."