Deciding which path to take

May 31, 2024

Last week, I took different paths on my way home from the gym. Upon reflection, it struck me as a metaphor for coaching.

I began to consider how we choose our paths.

Coaching is like having a guide who asks questions that fast-track you to your goals. It's future-focused and about moving forward.

Ultimately, it's about you deciding which path to take.

There are often many ways to reach a specific goal. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. It's about choice-your choice.

Like a bushwalk rated as easy, moderate, or hard, you may need:


A Higher Fitness level


Support Supplies

Throughout coaching, it remains your choice to:

Decide who will support you

Determine which resources to use

Challenge yourself

Show up to each session Prepare to walk your path

Seek support when needed

We all know the only person we can control is ourselves.

The responsibility to decide what to do lies within us, and this is a key reason why my clients experience so much growth.

I invite and challenge them to take the next steps.

They are empowered to do so, and each one of them not only meets the bar but raises it.