The Be Seen Series - The Power of Empathy

Apr 17, 2024

I first came across Julie Parker and Beautiful You Coaching Academy while reading POWER, A Woman’s Guide to Living and Leading without Apology by Kemi Nekpavil (brilliant read) in 2022. 

It started a series of events. 

Yesterday, I graduated from BYCA as a Coach.

Being seen was a recurring theme that came up throughout my studies - looking back at POWER today I had highlighted, “I would have felt I was seen and that I belonged and that I could aspire”, a reflection on what could have been IF there was representation in being seen. 

It led me to learning about my own internalised racism with Annie Gichuru in Represented (brilliant course). This also reaffirmed my belief that people will always remember how you made them feel. 

This enabled me to reflect through not only a white, able-bodied, cis-het, and privileged lens but a lens of diversity.

There is power in how we see others, there is power in others being seen and there is power in how we see ourselves. 

For me, this also highlighted underlying values of integrity, connection, and empowerment. 

These are my own values and that of my coaching practice.

I believe that being seen is something fundamental to my coaching. 

The Be Seen Series - A result of my own coaching series with my coaching buddy Sarah Townsend




As a coach, there is power that we hold in creating power for others to see themselves.

“Power lives in the quest for equality - a power to effect change” - Kemi Nekpavil.

Integrity - not only a value but a practise in itself.

The Be Seen Series - coming soon.